Jan 10, 2013

I Miss You , BOTAK :(

Aku Rindu Dia...sehari berlalu seolah olah berminggu minggu.. penatnya mengira masa.. cepatlah siang berlalu agar malam dapat mengurangkan penantian.. kerana 3 bulan yang mendatang itu sangat menyeksakan.
*ayat sasteqa*
sejak2 akhir ini kerapku bersasteqa , agak2 dulu kalau duk kelas sasteqa result gempak apa .
dah laa jangan nak mental sangat . think positive lah . grow up and be responsible , they say . okay i'll grow up , i'll be responsible . but , not today . today i feel sick because I MISS HIM !
PLKN took him away from me :'( I wish I could jump on a plane and fly where you are ( KEM PLKN GUAR CHENDERAI,PERLIS) :/

Yess, 11 months.

I have spent 11 months together with you. and it's the best memory I could ever have, thank you for not giving up on me, not leaving me when we were going through all the downs. And because of you, it's you; you give colors to my life and show me the feeling that everybody is trying to look for which is love.

So, in these 11 months, I actually find so many things that I love about you!
And these are ONLY hundred of them :P
Are you ready? Must read every one of them I tell you! lol

 I love your voice.

. I love your smile.
 I love your sweet talk.
 I love it when you are mad at me.
 I love the way you look like.
 I love your ego.
I love listening to you talking.
 I love talking to you.
 I love reading your text/fb/twitter/whatever reply.
 I love it when you try to make me smile when im upset.
 I love it when you stay up late just for me.

 I love that you want me no matter what.

 I love it when you say im short -,-.
 I love it when you do silly things just for me.
 I love it when you say i'll be taken care by you.
I love hugging you.
I love sharing my problem with you.
 I love telling you my secrets.
 I love it when you let me win all the time.
I love it when you say im cute (which im actually not)
I love long text from you.
 I love all the things that you've given to me.
 I love being so close to you.
I love having your trust.
 I love your faith towards our relationship.
 I love it when I can help on your difficulties.
 I love it when you share your things with me.
 I love it when you are being talkative.
 I love it when you need me.
 I love it when you know that im not fine.
 I love that I can miss you, anytime, anywhere I want.
 I love it when you miss me.
 I love deep conversation at night with you.
 I love it when you get jealous of other guys because of me.
 I love making you laugh.
 I love that I can tell you everything in my life.
 I love it when you tell me your plan about our future.
 I love it when we discuss about how our future is going to be.
 I love your attitude.
I love it when you are listening to me..
 I love it when you are afraid that I might get mad of something you've done.
 I love it when you "grrrr" me.
 I love it when you're trying to explain something to me and I still dont get.
I love it when you call me baby
 I love it when you are being sweet to me and talk so softly because you feel shy about it.
 I love it when you tell me about your big dreams.
 I love it when you dream of me.
 I love it when you are happy because of me.
 I love it when you show me the side of you that people dont see.
 I love surprises from you.
 I love listening to you breathing.
 I love it when I can hear your voice so clearly right beside my ear.
 I love it when I accompany you to fall asleep.
 I love it when you sound serious/man.
 I love that I can name you "Panda"
 I love it when you say you like something about me.
 I love it when after a fight, we still end up with "I love you".
 I love it when you are the first one I think and last one before I go to sleep everyday.
 I love your morning text/goodnight text.
 I love having conversation with you.
 I love it when we share our thoughts.
 I love to hear your voice whenever im down.
 I love that it is always you who makes me happy.
 I love it when you are trying to show me your love.
 I love your heartbeat.
 I love your heart.
 I love being yours.
 I love having you.
 I love everything about you.
I love YOU, my greatest panda in the entire universe.

Im done :P 

 ♥Happy Monthsary Baby!! ♥♥
You must always be happy okay? No matter what happen in the future.
I love you, with all my heart :)

 eh post ni pasal apa sebenarnya ? tuu tengok tajuk . oh pastinya ini bukan post untuk bercerita tentang Katy Peghi mahupun Emma Kembong. kalau nak cakap pasal Katy Peghi & Emma Kembong tu baik aku letak tajuk Ikan Pari & Mentanoh haha . so apa maksud tajuk tu . sebenarnya kan , tajuk tu tak ada kena mengena langsung dengan yang akhir ni . cuma gua taktau nak letak apa then tiba tiba terlintas di minda , so tullis lah .
kita sudah sampai di akhir post , konklusinya , semua masalah haruslah diatasi dengan mengaplikasikan metodologi metodologi yang utuh bagi memapankan kestabilan mentaliti seseorang intelegensia khususnya pelajar . benarlah telahan orang tua tua , mengajar dari alif , membilang dari esa , kata berpangkal dan hujan berpokok . sesuatu permasalahan itu pasti berpunca daripada dindakan abstrak . justeru , kita selaku tunas kepada pucuk hegemoni yang bakal mengemudi kepimpinan negara pada hari yang mendatang haruslah berfikiran matang . jika perlu , mustaidkanlah beberapa detik untuk sesi diskusi yang lestari kerana 'berunding cerdik dengan pandai , faham dua menjadi satu' . Sekian .

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